Our Mission
We at Emergent believe innovation has the power to drive positive social and economic change. The answers to our biggest problems are obtainable for those willing to take risks, to be creative and experiment, and to confront conventional thinking. We at Emergent are passionate about making a difference and are committed to providing innovative solutions that have the potential and promise to make our world a better place.
Our Methodology
Emergent can help you enhance existing core products or create new markets through game-changing technologies.
With access to trillions of dollars in intellectual capital from federal labs, universities, and research institutions, our pipeline of innovation is virtually infinite.
We Strip Away Preconceptions
What sets Emergent apart is our method and mindset. We strip away preconceptions while exploring the many possibilities of each technology platform. In the tradition of Bell Labs, our multi-disciplinary team uses different approaches to discover and invent commercially viable applications.
We Accelerate
Once we’ve identified an application, we collaborate with our scientists and partners to ensure the technology meets a market need. We accelerate both experimentation and production, allowing us to innovate, execute, and deliver results in record time.
Limitless Pipeline, Infinite Opportunities
the commercial possibilities of a platform technology
new ways to expand applications within the platform to solve real world problems
partners in transforming the technology to meet specific market needs
the technology through breakthrough businesses & innovative partner products
Emergent liberates the power of thought
- Assessing and selecting technology opportunities.
- Developing and managing those opportunities.
- Managing the technology assets.
- Providing creative business strategies and solutions.